by Carol S. Hyman In these days when individual psyches erupt in unthinkable violence and our social fabric seems to harbor dark and toxic stains, it can be tempting to turn away and ignore the ugliness and hatred. After all, even if we suspect that we are all parts of […]
confronting adversity
7 posts
by Marie Hathaway This time last year, it seemed like 2021 was bound to be easier than 2020. And yet, in many ways, it proved more troublesome, the path ahead less clear. Embarking on 2022, amid stock market plummets and COVID case surges, we find ourselves afloat on a choppy […]
By Bill Brauer Like everyone else who isn’t an essential worker, I have time these days to contemplate where human society may be headed. Only now, such contemplation doesn’t seem so much an entertaining diversion as it does the essential work we all need to be doing. Any of us […]